Welcome to


Career Coaching Program 

A guided process for understanding who you authentically are and how to find a fulfilling job you love.




Lost, and confused, like you are floating through life, wasting your potential?
Do you feel like you are just going through the motions and existing, but not really living?
Busy, but not growing.
Surviving, but definitely not thriving.
Sometimes entertained, but sure as hell not fulfilled.
Do you feel like something is off? 
Something is missing... 
There has to be more to life than this.
But not sure what it is, and overwhelmed about how to go about finding it?
Do you wish you had a clear path forward? 
A direction you KNOW is right.
Can you imagine feeling focused and motivated? 
Finally unstuck— flowing forward, feeling alive.
Creating and achieving all the things you want.
Feeling excited to get out of bed in the morning; fulfilled going to sleep at night.


Great. Then you’re in the right place!


The good news is, 


The bad news is, there is probably something wrong with the life you are currently living. 

(It's not a right fit for who you are.)


Which begs the questions...

Not sure the answers? Don't worry. Most people aren't. 

But how could you possibly design a happy and fulfilling life, true to who you are, if you don’t know who you are, what you want or why you’re here?


Hi, I'm Megan Abbott

Board certified coach and the founder of Fruition Coaching. For over 15 years I have been helping people all over the world design successful and fulfilling careers, businesses and lives. From celebrities and professional athletes, to CEO's and political leaders, I've helped people from all walks of life bring their potential to fruition.

But I wasn’t always a coach.  I know first-hand how painful it can be to feel lost and stuck, like you're on the wrong path wasting your life and potential. That's why I’m so passionate about showing people how to design a fulfilling life that they are excited to get out of bed each morning for.

Over the last decade I’ve created, tested and fine-tuned a process I call a “Fulfillment Framework.” It's a process that helps people figure out who they authentically are and what they want their career and life to be. Our process has been so effective in helping people, that I had to hire and train a team of coaches to keep up with the demand. Word continued to spread and our team quickly hit client capacity. We now have a growing waiting list of people who want to work with us.  I decided it was finally time to package our process so that help is available to anyone who needs it. I look forward to helping you finally get unstuck and start living the fulfilling life that's waiting for you!

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"The Fulfillment Framework coaching program helped me get very clear and focused about what it is I want, what is holding me back, and how I can go after it. It has put a lot of excitement back into my life and getting me along the path I want to be on."

Josh Baldwin
Baltimore, MD

Here's how the process works... 

Before we dive in, we need to ensure you are in the right mindset to get the most out of this program (and your life).  Your psychology is the greatest resource or obstacle to your success. One of the primary reasons you are stuck is because of the disempowering mindset you have been stuck in. We'll help you get out of your head and access a powerful and positive emotional state that will open you up to the vast possibilities your future holds.

Through a series of powerful exercises we will help you uncover your unique values, talents, passions, motivators and purpose. The result of this multifaceted exploration process will be a clarity about who you authentically are and what drives you. We will put this information into a framework to assist you in making important decisions and designing a fulfilling life and career congruent with who you are. 

Next, we'll take the information gathered in your "Fulfillment Framework" and give it form, creating an exciting vision for your life and/or career, in alignment with who you are. We call this life vision your "North Star," which will give your actions a conscious direction. We'll show you how to set powerful goals to act as stepping-stones to your vision, to help keep you focused and motivated. 

It's one thing to know what you want and it's another to actually do it. We'll give you the tools to help you overcome the common traps that stop most people from living the life they dream of, including fear and limiting beliefs. We'll guide you through a powerful process that will give you access to more clarity, confidence and personal power than you have ever felt before.  We'll help you build a conviction in your path and potential so strong it breaks through any chains that hold you back from having the life you want.

We'll give you the certainty you need to jump— taking massive action outside of your comfort zone in the direction of your dreams! When you take bold, inspired action in alignment with what you want most, incredible things happen. We'll give you the tools you need to continue to fly in the winds of uncertainty, feeling more alive, confident and focused than you ever have before!

"I appreciate the way the program builds upon each module and how with each step, I learned more about myself and the path that I can take to feeling happiness and contentment with myself. This is a thorough and well designed program that teaches individuals about themselves and how to really be in charge of their own destinies."

Heather Bise
Plain City, Ohio

Build Self Confidence

You can't love yourself until you know yourself. Understanding what your unique gifts are allows you to feel the value of what you have to offer the world. Designing a life and career centered around your strengths enhances both success and self-esteem. Clarifying your purpose, values, vision and goals, allows you to live a life of significance on your terms, rather than seeking validation from others. 

Clarify Your Path

Your Fulfillment Framework allows you to make decisions with confidence about the right path forward for you. Developing your "North Star" vision for your life and breaking down the stepping-stone goals along the way, provides a clear and confident direction for your daily growth. You will feel a certainty of knowing that you are right where you are supposed to be, and headed in the right direction.

Increase Passion & Motivation

When we are living a life true to who we are, we come alive with excitement, energy and an internal drive that doesn't require artificial stimulation or external motivation. You will feel a renewed enthusiasm for your life, taking inspired action with effortless follow-through. Procrastination, laziness, and lack of motivation only exist when you are living your life based on "shoulds."





"I was in a place where I felt lost and sometimes purposeless… I desperately needed direction. I was doing all the right things that parents/society tells you to do: Go to college, get a degree, work a job, find a partner, work your way up, etc., etc. But I couldn’t help but feel so deeply disconnected from who I am... and equally disconnected from happiness; the type of happiness where you know you’re spending your precious time and life doing the things that matter to you most. I wanted to feel, be and act from a place where my heart is constantly on-fire. I wanted to do more with my life! And sitting behind a desk in my business industry job wasn’t cutting it. [Enter Megan] Megan stepped in and challenged me to truly self-reflect. Like. DEEPLY self-reflect. Through her coaching process I’ve (re)discovered aspects of my self that were so deeply buried. Now walking towards the fear, I’ve broken down the barriers, uncovered my passions and am pursuing a path I’ve always wanted to pursue (medical). With Megan's coaching program, I’ve come to accept and love that the person I am and all that I want to be. This program has been the catalyst of my journey to (re)discovery, equipping me with tools of empowerment to build the life that I want. So if you’re in a rut, unsure of who you are and how you want to show up in this world, sign up for this program. Create the life you dreamed of, you deserve it."

Summer Davidson
Denver, CO


  • Professionals who have been working in a job or industry for a few years (or decades) and just aren't fulfilled.

  • People going through an infamous mid-life crisis and are questioning everything. OR even more trendily these days, a "quarter-life crisis!?"

  • People who have been let go from a job recently, sold or closed a business, or find themselves at some other crossroads, and want to use this opportunity to reevaluate what they really want to be doing. 

  • Retirees wondering, “now what?” 

  • College students needing to pick a major, or recent graduates trying to figure out what to do now?
  • People who have gone through a recent break up and want to take some time to "work on themselves."
  • Women who have lost themselves in the role of "wife" or "mom" and want to rediscover who they are.

  • People who just feel stuck, lost and generally unhappy with their life. 

No matter where you are in life’s journey, if you have the feeling that there has to be more to life than this, there is. And this program will help you discover what that is for you.


It doesn’t make a difference how old you are, or where you currently find yourself, but it does make a difference what you believe.  If you believe you have no control over your life, then this is not the right program for you. This program is not right for people who get something out of being miserable. We have a zero-tolerance policy for whiners and complainers, victims and martyrs, or anyone who is negative or toxic. Our goal is to work only with people who are kind and generous, who are willing to do the work to have the life they want, because that’s what it takes. If you expect us to magically fix your life without any effort on your part, please do not sign up. 

"Find something you love and you will never work a day in your life. That's intriguing to many of us, but how do we actually make that happen? And what if we don't have clarity on what we love doing? I've often not known where to start to really uncover my authentic self because I spend a lot of time focusing on what I'm "supposed to be doing." This courses guided me down a path to uncover what makes me happy, my values, my strengths and how to align them with creating a fulling life. "

Lisa Packer
Denver, CO


-Weekly, live, 1hr video coaching sessions led by Megan Abbott, Founder of Fruition Coaching
-10-week course: 8 group sessions; 2 personal, one-on-one coaching sessions with Megan 
-Megan will walk the group, step-by-step, through the same career transition process she developed, fine-tuned, and have successfully led hundreds of people through over the last 15 years.
-Sessions will begin the week of October 17th; exact scheduling TBD based on group’s availability 
-Sessions will be recorded and available to watch on-demand in an online portal for individuals unable to attend a live session.
-Coaching program includes accountability and personal support to ensure action, follow-through and results. 


"I went from feeling unmotivated, uninspired, and displeased with my lack of follow through to a girl with direction and passion."

Helen Goldstein
Chicago, IL


To get the same process through private coaching with me, would begin at $3,500.

I know a lot of people can't afford that price point, and it's important to me that help is available to everyone who needs it.

That's why I'm offering the What's My Thing coaching program for only $995.

It’s a small investment in you and your future, so you don’t waste your life doing the wrong thing.

With our risk-free guarantee, you have total peace of mind in your investment.

You either:
A) Discover your ideal job, get unstuck, feel a renewed sense of excitement, clarity and life fulfillment.
B) We refund your money. 


I know the online world is full of scams and shams. You might have been burned by flashy promises before. But that's not who I am and that is not what my company is about. We have been in business for over a decade, and we are BBBA+ rated because of our ethics in doing right by the customer.

We only want to work with people for whom we are a right fit and can help. That’s why we offer a risk-free, money back guarantee. If you give it a go, and you don’t feel like this program was a right fit for you— for whatever reason— just send us an email and we'll give a full refund, no questions asked!

"Megan helped me rediscover my joy and the need to follow this on a career path, reframe how I was thinking about self traits and experiences I had considered negative, and how to overcome analysis paralysis. It’s wonderful to realize your strengths and learning experiences can carry you on a path that is energizing and can lovingly connect you to others. If you’re feeling stuck, this is the woman who has the experience to help you get out of your personal eddy and start paddling down the stream again."

Candace Mattson
Austin, TX

"Where would I be without Megan and Fruition Coaching? That's a question I ask myself regularly. Megan led me to dramatically change my perspective on what's possible in the world and what I'm capable of. She led me to reconnect with myself, my deepest desires and my intuition, which opened me up to possibilities, and successes beyond what I would have previously dared to imagine were possible for me. When working with Megan, I quit my corporate job that was making me miserable, got numerous lucrative job offers making over double what I'd been making before, took none of them and started a business of my own (which I realized had been a longtime fantasy). I'm over the moon and will be revisiting Megan throughout my life. I think everyone should go to a coach— it ups your game, gets you through the limiting beliefs, widens your aperture and empowers you to be the badass you know yourself to be deep in your core. It JUST works. So if you feel like you're playing small in your life, not living up to your potential, compromising or feel in a rut— go to Megan. I've been there, and when you're in that place it can so feel scary to spend that amount of money on coach, but it's worth the bucks (which will be negligible to your life of abundance that follows). "

Raisa Reyes
New York, NY

"Megan was essential to helping me get "unstuck" and a take on a new role at a new company, and it ended up being one of the best decisions I've made. She helps you understand your needs, and can get you reconnected to what you value and what inspires. She is an absolute force, and her enthusiasm is infectious."

Christopher Stella
Brooklyn, NY

"When I was in somewhat of a rut with my career, Megan helped me to clearly identify what exactly was going on. By working with her on a regular basis, she helped guide me to figure out what were ideal characteristics for a job that would fulfill me and how to strike that balance between personal life and career. She gave me lots of great tools and "homework" to stimulate different ideas that I would not have considered before. Her coaching was the perfect balance between guiding and supporting me while still allowing me to draw my own conclusions. She encouraged me to be brave and find something that did and still does make me happy. I think the world of her and would recommend her to any and everyone! She is a rare gem in today's world!"

Lucy Barksdale
Atlanta, GA

"Talking with Fruition Coaching was just what I needed - objective guidance. I was very impressed how efficient and helpful Megan’s coaching was. I would definitely recommend Megan Abbott and Fruition Coaching to anyone who is grappling with where they want to go in life. I now feel confident that the decisions I am making are the right ones."

Alexa Alvey
Miami, FL

"I am so grateful for Megan and Fruition Coaching. In the short time I have worked with Megan, I have made profound and positive changes in my life, gained the confidence to start my own successful business, and overcome longstanding challenges. My growth is more than I could have ever imagined. I could not recommend Fruition Coaching enough."

Amy A.
Denver, CO

"Before I started working with Megan, I suffered from severe anxiety and had about 450% stress. I really wanted my life to be different. I was a little skeptical about working with a coach because I thought it was like traditional counseling/therapy, which had not worked for me in the past. But since I started coaching, my life is completely different and amazing!"

Ann Jane Draper
Dallas, TX

"If you are serious about creating the life you want...the life you have imagined in your wildest dreams...then get serious about working with Megan, and make it happen! There are many life coaches out there...but look no further than Fruition Coaching. Megan's energy and insight make her truly gifted...one in a million."

Jennifer Wreyford
Denver, CO

"As I look back over the past 6 months, I think the biggest thing that has changed is my level of confidence; it has increased significantly. This is a direct result of Megan helping me see that the best path toward contentment and self-fulfillment is being true to yourself at all times."

Sara Best
Denver, CO

"Megan and her coaching played a huge role in helping me connect with myself and realize my potential. After receiving coaching from Megan my life changed in innumerable ways. I don't consider myself the "type" to see a life coach - little did I realize that there is no type. If there is even an ounce of you that thinks that you're life could be better, more authentic, more YOU, more connected. FOLLOW THAT, that's your future you talking. Your true self. It is your obligation to act on it and it will only lead you to greener grasses."

Patricia Kazimier
San Francisco, CA

" I looked at my life and realized that the "blue print" for what I imagined my ideal life, was not going the way I wanted it to. I had tried for many years to live in a more balanced way and get over my own personal hurdles that had acted as hangups, to no avail. I needed a change. Working with Megan, things that I had thought of as absolutes in my life slowly slipped away, reveling amazing possibilities and life-changing ideals and realizations about myself."

Breanna Dwyer
Los Angeles, CA

"Megan's coaching is so powerful, at the end of every session I feel uplifted and inspired! It has been so helpful to understand my limiting beliefs and replace them with inspiring beliefs! But the best part has been the amazing results which have come about so quickly for me. Since I have been working with Megan big changes have happened and my life seems so exciting now whereas a few months ago things were boring and dreary. I highly recommend Megan to anyone who wants to make positive changes with big impact!"

Julia Wigert
Denver, CO

"I was always so hyper focused on everyone else that I lost who I was. Megan helped me realize that for me to be great for the people around me, that I need to invest in myself in ways that I haven't for years, or honestly, my entire life. Her teachings have truly made me a better person. I cannot express enough the impact that Megan could have on your lives. You just need to be willing to take the first step, and reach out to her. She will help you unlock your potential......possibly potential you never knew you had!"

Andy Schroder
Denver, CO

"We all have reflected back on transitional moments in our lives and realized that a certain choice placed us in a positive direction that made a desired outcome possible, just as some pivotal choices have hindered us and caused us to regress or stay stuck. I am so thankful that I made the choice to work with Megan at Fruition Coaching! Having Megan's support and expertise has propelled me in a direction that I wanted my life to take. Megan is the most time-efficient coach I have ever worked with, we get a huge amount accomplished with her process and gift of focused intention. I highly recommend her and Fruition Coaching!"

Jen Hunt
Evergreen, CO

"There needs to be more Megans' and her team out in the world. Megan genuinely cares about the people she works with. She wants nothing more than to help give the jump-start someone needs in order to believe in themselves and proceed in the path they want to take in life. Life has become much more manageable with the tools Megan has taught us and we are well on our way to living the life we want. There are not enough thank you's in the world that can accurately describe the gratitude we have for Megan, we are eternally grateful."

Mindy V.
Commerce City, CO

"Megan is the real deal! I went to her years ago when I was struggling in my marketing career and some family tragedies occurred. With her help I realized my passion and am now a Life and Business Coach myself! She's helped me in my first steps of controlling the way I think and see the positive sides of things."

Andrea Palten
Denver, CO

"Megan is an unbelievable coach who delivers MASSIVE value, is passionate, driven, and has changed my life tremendously! I have transformed all areas of my life in HUGE ways from our work together! I rave about her to everyone and am so grateful for all of the amazing lessons learned, the progress, the whole process that I continue to read back from our notes and learn from. She is the REAL DEAL, and is incredibly caring, funny, and has a distinct style that sets her apart from other coaches. I feel so much more open and loving as a person as a result, embracing the uncertainty and excitement of all that life has to offer. My best friend, cousin, and I all had the privilege of working with her and we are all RAVING FANS!!!!!!"

Annie K.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ

"I love, love, love, Megan! It's hard for me to lay it all out in just this small space but my experience with her has been life changing! I always refer Megan to my friends and family. I believe that she can save the world, one person at a time!"

Lynn G.
Monrovia, CA

"I was hesitant to give life coaching a try, but after the first coaching (literally that evening) I felt significantly stronger. After just a few weeks, my fears had diminished, my debilitating anxiety was almost eliminated, and I was able to find happiness in myself and my day to day surroundings. Megan helped me sort out my life goals in a way that made ME prioritize my needs and values. After she helped me identify and strengthen these needs, she worked with me to gain confidence in both my work environment and at home. What I valued the most however, was Megan's way of coaching that allowed me to answer my own questions, and even ask myself the important life questions that I hadn't previously been asking myself. Her ease of communication, sense of humor, honesty, passion and experience provided all the necessary components to transform myself into a better, happier, more peaceful person. I continue to reflect on my coaching experience with Megan and believe these lessons will stay with me throughout my journey."

Marie Jacobs
Gainesville, FL

"I contacted Megan at a time in my life when I had strayed pretty far from who I wanted to be in life. She not only helped me realign my priorities, but also changed my vocabulary when talking about what I want and need. She opened my eyes to what motivates me and how to achieve things that make me feel fulfilled while staying true to myself. I feel as if I have rediscovered myself and a weight has been lifted for me. The people in my life have even said they've noticed a change in the way I carry myself, for the better."

Ali Arend
Denver, CO

Have a Question?

We have an answer. Shoot us an email if there's something you're wondering that we haven't addressed.



It's time to start living the life you feel deep down is there, waiting to be lived.



In 2008 Megan Abbott founded Fruition Coaching with the mission of helping people unlock the full potential of their lives. Since then, Fruition Coaching has grown into a world-wide coaching company with a team of elite coaches serving clients in over 14 countries. 

While our reach has expanded, our mission remains the same— to provide cutting edge strategies and resources to help individuals and organizations transition from where they are to where they want to be, as quickly as possible. 

To learn more about Fruition Coaching, please visit our website.

Fruition Coaching, LLC BBB Business Review

“I'd say she saved my life, but really, the sad life that I had before was not worth saving. She GAVE me life, a new life, filled with so much joy, gratitude, and beauty.”

"This testimonial is long overdue. Do you want to know why? Because I've been in Indonesia. And Germany. And the Netherlands. And Mexico. Planning a 4 month trip to South America at the moment. Yes, this the life Megan has helped me create. A year ago, I was a tightly wound ball of anxiety, misery, and debt. I couldn't find my way to anything that resembled joy. Often, I couldn't even find my way off the couch. Megan has taught me so much about myself, about life, about the many lies, illusions, and invisible barriers I had created for myself. And how incredibly close I was to the life I'd always dreamed of. She is one of most incredibly gifted people I have ever had the honor of working with, and I owe all the beauty in my life to her. I'd say she saved my life, but really, the sad life that I had before was not worth saving. She GAVE me life, a new life, filled with so much joy, gratitude, and beauty. PLEASE do not let the price of her services deter you. I was 60k in debt when I met her, in truly desperate straits, and even had to open up a new credit card just to pay for my first batch of sessions with her. PEOPLE. If you are still reading this review, you are probably coming from a similar place. Please do not put your future, your happiness, your chance to live the life of your dreams off for another second. 6-7 months after working with Megan, I am debt free, traveling the world with the love of my life, making passive income off my house." — Meghan Hunt, Denver, CO


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